Webinar Video: Property Development 101

Wilson Pateras presented a live Webinar outlining the basics to Property Development.

This interactive Webinar session was designed to provide you with all the initial knowledge required to become a Property Developer. This expert panel including Golan Flamm (Hodges Caulfield), Pat Ikonomidis (Founder of Ikonomidis Design Studio), Nicholas Pateras (Director of Wilson Pateras) & Brett Elliot (Lending & Finance Principal at Wilson Pateras) discussed their top tips to get you started in this money-making field, encompassing the following areas:

  • Sales (Golan Flamm): 2:20
  • Architecture/Town Planning (Pat Ikonomidis): 16:45
  • Finance (Brett Elliot): 36:12

If you have any questions or would like further information following the presentation, please contact us on 03 8419 9800

Date: Thursday 11th November, 11:00am
Panellists: Nicholas Pateras, Brett Elliot, Pat Ikonomidis & Golan Flamm

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